About Us
We are a team of young people whose passion is good design and craftsmanship with high-quality materials. The desire to create and implement innovative solutions offered by concrete, led us to establish our own brand. Miloš's professional experience in the field of construction and Zuzana's sense of detail are the basis of our joint work. We want to offer original interior solutions to our customers and thus contribute to the quality of their own housing.
Our offer
Našou ponukou by sme chceli osloviť najmä architektov, interiérových dizajnérov a stavbárov, ktorí dodávajú svoje služby pre klientov na kľúč.
Okrem zákazkovej výroby pultov a betónových dosiek na mieru ponúkame aj originálne betónové umývadlá a interiérové doplnky vyrobené podľa vlastných návrhov.
- concrete countertops and sinks
- mickrocement wall and floor plasterings
- design accessories made of concrete

Miloš Janíček
Long-term employee of a large construction company. Expert and advisor in choosing the right building materials. He has a perfect overview of procedures and unconventional solutions in construction.

Zuzana Janíček Muranicová
Photographer and a conceptual artist. She has a sense for detail, playfulness and good design. The right hand in the creative process. In her free time, she creates original jewelry from natural and upcycled materials.

Baška alias Bašica
A great member of the team and the best assistant in one:) She informs us at regular intervals when it's time to eat and do other things and thanks to her we are in a great physical condition.
“We like high-quality materials, good design and especially concrete look"